My Favicon

Sunday, August 03, 2008 | | 0 comments »

One of my first tasks as a professional (unprofessional) blogger was to create a favicon. What is a favicon, you ask? Well, take a look to the left of the this web address on the address bar. See the weird smiley face? Yup, that's it. That, my friends, is called a "favicon." I love it.

I love it so much that I want to share an enlarged version with everyone. Before I do that, though, I want to answer a question that you probably didn't ask: "How did you create this beautiful and professional image?" Well, I used MS Paint, the most basic, featureless tool of the master web-designing novice. I have since, though, upgraded to a program called, which is still pretty basic, but offers a plethora of more features, looks nicer, and is oh so much cooler. ANYWAY, I don't remember how I actually created the favicon. I think I downloaded a program to convert it to the necessary type of file. If you really want to know, send me $5 and I will do some research and tell you.

So, the moment you've been waiting for... my favicon. Here it is: large, somewhat in charge, and exposed in au naturel:

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