Mmmh... Lavender

Thursday, July 31, 2008 | | 1 comments »

The other day I arrived at the Boston Public Library at Copley about 20 minutes before I was supposed to me a friend there. It's just impossible to anticipate when trains will come, so I left my apartment early and stepped onto the train platform just as a train was pulling in. Perfect timing! Anyway, across from the library and right at the Trinity Church was a small Farmers Market, and since I had some time to kill, I thought I'd do a little perusing. All the baked goods and pastries looked amazing, but were totally unkosher, so I had to painfully pass up those purchases. Finally, when I was almost done checking out all the tables, I saw one table with bags of lavender seeds. Then I remembered how the smell of real lavender is supposed to help you relax. So I bought a small bag for $2. Then a lady suggested I buy a baby sock, put the lavender inside, seal it, and use it as a "sachet," which is apparently just a fancy word for bag-filled-with-stuff-that-smells.

Then today, I bought some inexpensive baby socks, a 4-pack for $2, at Walgreens, and I was good to go.

The only problem with this plan is that I don't know how to sew... or I didn't know how to sew. I do now, thanks to this website, and after 10 minutes of sewing, I am now a professional.

Now, the moment you've all been waiting for... my finished bag-filled-with-stuff-that-smells. (I refuse to use the word "sachet").

The moral of this story? Since I bought a 4-pack of baby socks and only used 1, I have extras. So, if anyone needs 3 baby socks, make me an offer (the offer should consist of you taking them for free). That is the moral.

The second moral is that you can make what I made for $2.50 or you can go buy the exact same thing in a store for $15. I would suggest the former, especially because of the satisfaction factor.

The third moral is that lavender really does help you relax... I think.

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  1. Anonymous // July 31, 2008 at 9:42 PM  

    very impressive!